The Department of Information and Communication Engineering was founded in 2000. The founder chairman of the department was Professor Dr. Md. Mozaffor Hossain. During the 16 years after its foundation, the departmental teaching staffs are making their enthusiastic efforts to provide quality based education and develop professional skills of the undergraduate/postgraduate students with highly sophisticated Communications and Digital Electronics based scientific equipments. Along with quality teaching, department has expanded its research activities towards various fields of Information and Communication Engineering. Right now there are 10 Doctorate degree holder Faculty members in the department and they are producing world class research publications and strengthening the research activities in the department.
The aim of this department is to produce quality human resource that can cater to the current and future need of info-com oriented industry and academia. The academic focus of this department lies on the intersection of electrical, computer and communication engineering. It is our great pleasure to announce that the Department of Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) has introduced newly designed B.Sc Engineering courses starting from 2011 and M.Sc/M Engineering courses starting from session 2014-2015.
With extensive development in IT sectors under materialization of Digital Bangladesh, the students with B.Sc/M.Sc/M Engineering degrees from this department are getting jobs in various organizations (Private/Public Universities, Vendors/Mobile operators, Software development/Computer Network installation Farms, Banks and other Telecommunication sectors).