Water Research Lab
About Lab
Water research provides multidisciplinary research in water resources management and the development of tools for environmental management and sustainability for improving aquatic and atmospheric environments. Our research addresses the risks of water quality and quantity in groundwater, surface water, river basins, and coastal zones. The research includes an analysis of the climate drivers of water-related risks, impacts, and mitigation responses.
Instrumentation facilities
The laboratory offers excellent facilities for detailed analysis of trace and heavy metal contaminants, cations, and anions in soils and waters. The instruments include a computerized UV spectrophotometer, a high-speed centrifuged machine, and a UV chamber. Additional instrumentation includes pH meters, EC, DO, TDS, constant temperature baths, etc. In addition, the Central Science Laboratory of the University is located in the same building and is equipped with all modern instrumental facilities, including AAS, gas chromatography, HPLC, etc.
Md. Golam Mostafa Professor Institute of Environmental Science mostafa_ies@@yahoo.com Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q7wu2GUAAAAJ&hl=en ResearchGate: Website: |
Visiting Professor/Scientist Institute for Institute of Institute for Post-doc Researcher Department of Civil, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung Awards and Fellowships Endeavour Awards Ambassador 2018, Australia Endeavour Executive Fellowship 2015, Australia Endeavour Research Fellowship 2011, Australia DAAD Fellowship (short-term) 2011, Germany Top 100 University Advancement Office Fellowship, JASSO Research Fellowship for Foreign Researcher, 2008, Brain Korea 21(BK21) Fellowship, 2005-2006, R. Korea MONBUSHO Scholarship |
Lab Members
Name |
Course |
Name |
Course |
Md Abu Sayed |
PhD |
Tawfiqua Rahman |
PhD |
Umama Monira |
PhD |
Md Zahidul islam |
PhD |
Md Ohidur Rahman |
PhD |
Asama Akther |
PhD |
Md. Anwar Hossain |
PhD |
Marzana Rahman Khuku |
MPhil |
Akther Uzzaman |
MPhil |
Sultana Zahura |
MPhil |
Anupam Roy |
MPhil |
Our activities
Attending conference at Vienna International Center, Austria |
Textile Dyeing effluent discharge area |
Sample collection at Saint Martin Island, the northeastern of the Bay of Bengal |
An effluent treatment plant (ETP) at Tongi in Dhaka |
Recent Publications
Book Chapters
1. Islam M.S., Mostafa M.G. (2021) Groundwater Status and Challenges in Bangladesh. In: Lichtfouse E. (eds) Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 52. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73245-5_4
2. Mostafa, M.G. (2018). Anammox Cultivation in a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor: Bharagava, Ram Naresh, Chowdhary, Pankaj (Eds.), Emerging and Eco-Friendly Approaches for Waste Management (pp 69-82). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2019, ISBN 978-981-10-8669-4
3. Mostafa, M.G., Y.-H. Chen, J.-Sajin, C.-Coli (2010). Adsorption of Arsenate on iron oxide coated perlite by batch experiment: Equilibrium and kinetics studies. Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases, As 2010. Eds. J.-S. Jean, J. Bundschuh and P. Bhattacharya. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-57898-1.
4. Mostafa, M.G., Y.-H. Chen, J.-S. Jean, C.-C.Liu (2010). Preparation and adsorption efficiency of arsenate on titanium oxide-coated perlite by batch experiment: Equilibrium and kinetics studies. Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases, As 2010. Eds. J.-S. Jean, J. Bundschuh and P. Bhattacharya. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-57898-1.
Journal Publications
Md. Zahidul and Mostafa, M. G. (2024). Suitability assessment of groundwater
quality for drinking purposes. Journal of Environmental Science and
Sustainable Development, 7(1), 513-540. DOI:
Islam, M. Z., & Mostafa, M. G.
(2024). Iron, manganese, and lead contamination in groundwater of Bangladesh: a
review. Water Practice & Technology, 19(3): 745–760. doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2024.030
Anowar Hossen, G.S. Sattar, M.G. Mostafa (2024).
Factors affecting the performance of a
pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plant: Characterization of effluent and
environmental risk. Heliyon, 10; e29165
Umama Monira, Golam Sabbir Sattar and Md Golam Mostafa (2024). Assessment of surface water quality
using the Water Quality Index (WQI) and multivariate statistical analysis
(MSA), around tannery industry effluent discharge areas. H2Open Journal Vol 7
No 2, 130 – 148 (IWA).
T., and Mostafa. M.G. (2024). Evaluation of the Irrigation Water Quality of a
Canal Contaminated with Textile Dyeing Industry Effluent. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology
(AJAST), 8(3): 9-25. DOI: not assign
Islam, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2024). Impacts of Climate Change on Global
Freshwater Quality and Availability: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of
Water and Environment Technology, 22(1), 1–26; doi: 10.2965/jwet.23-036
Islam, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2024). Suitability Assessment of Shallow
Groundwater for Industrial Uses in Terms of Storability and Corrosivity.
Journal of Pollution and Effects on Community Health, 1(1), 1-20; DOI:
Islam, M. Z., and
Mostafa, M.G., (2024).
Seasonal Variation
of Fe, Mn, and Pb in Groundwater of Northwestern Bangladesh. Journal of Chemistry
and Environment, 3 (1), 77–97
Jahura, S., Islam, M. S., &
Mostafa, M. G. (2024). Impact of water scarcity on rural livelihood in the
drought-prone region: A review of global perspectives. Indonesian
Journal of Social Sciences,
16(1), 1– 13. https://doi.org/10.20473/ijss.v16i1.49143
Anupam Roy, Sabrina Naz, and M. G. Mostafa (2024). Tobacco Farming and its Socio-economic
Determinants in Kushtia District of Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainability and
Environmental Management (JOSEM), Vol. 3, No. 1, 9 – 18
1. Sultana
Jahura, M. Zulfiquar Ali Islam, M. G. Mostafa (2023). Impact of Water Scarcity
on Domestic Water Use in Drought-prone Barind Tract, Bangladesh: A Sociological
Perspective. Indonesian J. of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI) 4(3),
267-279. DOI: 10.47540/ijsei.v4i3.1031
Monira, U., Mostafa, M.G. (2023). Leather
industrial effluent and environmental concerns: a review. Sustain.
Water Resour. Manag. 9, 181.
Hossen, M.A., and Mostafa, M.G.
(2023). Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Water of Bangladesh.
Environmental Challenges, 13, 100783. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2023.100783
M.S., and Mostafa M. G. (2023). Occurrence, Source, and Mobilization of Iron, Manganese, and
Arsenic Pollution in Shallow Aquifer” Geofluids, Volume 2023 (Wiley |
Hindawi), Article ID 6628095, 19 pages.
Sayed. M. A., and Mostafa. M.G.
(2023). Characterization of Textile Dyeing Effluent and Removal Efficiency
Assessment of Al2(SO4)3 Coagulant” Asian Journal of Applied Science
and Technology (AJAST), 7(3),195-212.
Khuku, M.R., Sattar, G.S. and
Mostafa, M.G. (2023). Forecasting Seasonal TDS using a Normalized Difference
Water Index in the Ganges River in Bangladesh” Nep J Environ Sci,
11(1), 27-36.
Sultana, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G.
(2023). Impact of Climate Change on Economic Development Associated with Water
Scarcity: A Review” Journal of Sustainability and Environmental
Management (JOSEM), 2(3), 158 – 169. https://doi.org/10.3126/josem.v2i3.59105
8. Shakil, M.S.Z.
and Mostafa, M.G. (2023). “Characterization of Paper Mill Effluent and Its
Impacts on the Environment” Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2
(1), 109-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56946/jce.v2i01.135
9. Islam, M.S.,
Mostafa M. G., and Muhammad Touseef (2023). Identification of Sources and
Mobilization of Trace Elements in Shallow Groundwater of the Upper Ganges River
Basin” J. of Chem and Environment, 1(2), 14-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56946/jce.v1i02.94
Tareque, M.H., Islam, M.A., and
Mostafa,. M.G., (2022). “Photocatalytic decomposition of textile
dyeing effluents using TiO2, ZnO, and Fe2O3catalysts” Nep J Environ
Sci (2022), 10(2), 49-58. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3126/njes.v10i2.46704
Monira, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2023). Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soil and
Their Impacts on Rice Production and Human Health: A Review” Asian
Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST), Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages
204-216. DOI: https://doi.org/10.38177/ajast.2023.7222
12. Monira, U., Sattar, G.S. and Mostafa,
M.G. “Characterization and Removal Efficiency of Central Effluent
Treatment Plant (CETP)” J. of Sustainability and Environmental
Management (JOSEM), 2(1), 42-50. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3126/josem.v2i1.53116
Shajedul Islam and Md. Golam Mostafa (2022). Comparison of classical and
developed indexing methods for assessing the groundwater suitability for irrigation,
J of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1(2) (Wiley). DOI: 10.1002/sae2.12027
U., Sattar, G.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2022). Characterization of Tannery Effluent of Savar Tannery
Estate in Bangladesh. BAUET J. 3(2), 67-76. https://journal.bauet.ac.bd/volume-03-issue-02/
3. Most.
Halima Khatun & M.G. Mostafa (2022) Optimization of Dyeing Process of
Natural Dye Extracted from Polyalthia longifolia Leaves on Silk and Cotton
Fabrics. Journal of Natural Fibers, Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2022.2081281
Md. Shajedul Islam and M. G. Mostafa (2022) Suitability
of water quality index methods for assessing groundwater quality in the Ganges
River basin area. H2Open Journal (2022) 5 (2): 198–220. https://doi.org/10.2166/h2oj.2022.145
5. M. R. Islam and M. G. Mostafa (2022) Adsorption kinetics,
isotherms and thermodynamic studies of methyl blue in textile dye effluent on
natural clay adsorbent. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8:52
(Springer). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-022-00640-1
6. Md. Shajedul Islam and M. G. Mostafa (2022). Evaluation
of Hydrogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Using Geochemical and
Geostatistical Approaches in the Upper Bengal Basin. Geofluids, Volume 2022,
Article ID 9591717, 21 pages (Hindawi). https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9591717
7. Md. Abu Sayed and M.G. Mostafa “Efficiency
Assessment of FeSO4 Coagulant on Yarn Dyeing Industrial
Effluent” BAUET Journal 3(1): 50-58
1. Islam, M.S., and M. G. Mostafa (2021). Influence
of chemical fertilizers on arsenic mobilization in the alluvial Bengal delta
plain: a critical review. Journal of Water Supply: Research and
Technology-Aqua, 70(7), 948 (IWA Pub.). https://doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2021.043
2. Md. Shajedul Islam and M.G. Mostafa (2021).
Trends of Chemical Pesticide Consumption and its Contamination Feature of
Natural Waters in Especial Reference to Bangladesh: A Review. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 21 (3):
151-167, 2021.DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2021.151.167
3. Md. Abu Sayed and M.G. Mostafa (2021). Efficiency
Assessment of FeSO4 Coagulant on Yarn Dyeing Industrial Effluent. BAUETJOURNAL,
3(1), 50-58. https://journal.bauet.ac.bd/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Art-6-.pdf
4. Islam, M.S., and M. G. Mostafa (2021). Development of an integrated
irrigation water quality index (IIWQIndex) model. J of water supply,
22(2): 2322- 2337; https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2021.378
5. Islam, M.S., and M.G. Mostafa (2021). Exposure of Trace Metals
and Their Effects on Human Health: A Case Study for Groundwater in Part of the
Ganges Basin Areas, Intl. J. Wat. Resource. and Env. Sci., 10(1): 01-13.
6. Md. Shakilur Zaman Shakil and M. G. Mostafa (2021). Water
Quality Assessment of Paper Mills Effluent Discharge Areas. Al-Nahrain Journal
of Science ANJS, 24 (3), 63-72
7. Saha M.K., Ahmed, S.J., Sheikh, A.H., and Mostafa, M.G.
(2021). Impacts of Brick Kilns on Environment around Kiln areas of Bangladesh.
Jordan j. of Earth and Environmental Science (JJEES), 12(3), 241-253.
8. Islam, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2021c). Meta-analysis and risk assessment of
fluoride contamination in groundwater. Water Environ Res. (Wiley)
93(8): 1194-1216. doi: 10.1002/wer.1508
M.A. and Mostafa, M.G. (2021) Impact of
Sugar Mills Effluent on Environment around Mills Area, AIMS Environmental
Science, 8(1): 86-99. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2021006
10. Saha,
M. K., Sarkar, R. R., Ahmed, S. J., Sheikh, A. H., & Mostafa, M. G. (2021).
Impacts of brick kiln emission on agricultural soil around brick kiln
areas. Nepal Journal of
Environmental Science, 9(1),
1–10. Retrieved from https://www.cdes.edu.np/njes/index.php/NJES/article/view/73
Islam, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2021). Groundwater Quality and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal
Pollution in Middle-West Part of Bangladesh. Journal of Earth and Environmental
Science Research, 3(2): 1-5. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.47363/JEESR/2021 (3)143.
Shakil, Md. Shakilur Zaman and Mostafa, M.G. (2021).
Paper industries concern water pollution: A review. International Journal of
Innovative Research and Review, 9, 19-31.
13. Saha M.K. and Mostafa, M.G
(2021). Impacts of Brick Kilns on Surface Water around Kiln
Areas. Intl. J. of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology 2(3):
14. Islam, M.S. and Mostafa, M.G. (2021). Groundwater suitability for irrigated agriculture in
Alluvial Bengal delta plain: A review.
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 10(2): 156-170. DOI:
15. Islam, M.S., M. G. Mostafa
(2021) Environmental Hazards of Petroleum Refinery in Bangladesh: A Review,
Petroleum and Chemical industry International, 4 (1):15-21. doi.org/10.33140/PCII.04.01.03
16. M. K. Saha, Rowshon Ara, S.
Danish Kadir and M. G. Mostafa*(2021). Environmental
Vulnerability of people to Brick Kiln Hazards. SPC Journal of Environmental
Sciences, 3(1), 23-31. DOI: 10.14419/jes.v3i1.31609
M.F., Islam, M.S., Hasan, M.R., Yeasmin, M.S., and Mostafa, M.G. (2020). Assessment of
coastal surface water quality for irrigation purpose. Wat. Prac. & Tech. 15(4): 960-972. doi:
Islam, M.R., Mostafa, M.G.
Characterization of textile dyeing effluent and its treatment using
polyaluminum chloride. Appl Water Sci 10, 119
(2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-020-01204-4
3. Saha, M.K., Ahmed, S.J., Sheikh, MA.H.,
Mostafa, M.2020. Occupational and
environmental health hazards in brick kilns. Journal of Air Pollution and Health (Spring 2020);
5(2):135-146. https://doi.org/10.18502/japh.v5i2.4242
M. K. Saha, S. J. Ahmed, A. H. Sheikh, N.
Ahsan and M. G. Mostafa*
(2020). Impacts of Brick Kiln Emissions
on Air Quality around Kiln Areas. Int. J. Natural and Human Sciences, 1(1),
M. S. Z. Shakil, M.R. Hasan and M.G. Mostafa* (2020).
Groundwater Exploitation and its Environmental Consequences in Bangladesh: A
Review. BAUET Journal, 2 (2), 11-16.
Hasan, M.R., Matin,I., Mostafa, M.G. (2020). Assessment of
Specific Yield and Storage Capacity of Groundwater using Borehole Log. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 10 (8): 12-22. doi: 10.7176/JEES/10-8-02