Welcome to the Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

The Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences is one of twelve in Rajshahi University (RU). This faculty began from 12th December 2020. Professor Dr. Chowdhury M Zakaria Pro-Vice Chancellor was in-charge as a Dean. Professor Dr. Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder is first elected dean of this faculty. The faculty is situated at Krishi Unoshod Bhavon and consist of one department including a Teaching Veterinary Clinic, run mainly by the clinical departments to impart practical training in the diagnosis of Dairy, poultry, companion, zoo and wild animal diseases, surgical interventions, clinical management and treatment, animal health care and welfare. This department possesses facilities for conducting both MS, M.Phil and PhD degree programmes.

The Faculty offers a five-year full-time course leading to the award of DVM degree. The Faculty offers a broad range of educational and professional training to prepare students for the veterinary profession by equipping them with knowledge, communication skills and physical swiftness fundamental to veterinary practice. All veterinary graduates are required to register with the Bangladesh Veterinary Council.