Welcome to Rajshahi University Alumni Association (RUAA)
Since the inception of the University of Rajshahi (RU) in the year 1953, it has produced a significant number of graduates, many of whom are well established, experienced and eager to set a link with their Alma mater and do something good for the University to flourish it as a centre of excellence in the academic arena of the world. The university also needs the contribution of its magnificent Alumni to cherish its goal. To ease the reciprocal procedure, the University has embarked on a plan to introduce in its administrative organogram the ALUMNI sector in an attempt to establish contacts with the old students, home and abroad, and to benefit from their counseling, guidance and help in every respect for the all round development of their Alma Mater.
This region, which presented the world community with a galaxy of celebrities in the realm of ideas like Jagadish Chandra Bose, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Profulla Chandra Roy, Satyendra Nath Bose, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Mohammad Shahidullah, Qudrat-e-khuda, Qazi Motahar Hossain, Amartya Sen and Dr. Mohammad Yunus is now witnessing a sudden slump in the pursuit of knowledge and the cultivation of intellect.
Now it is time to acknowledge the fact that the standard of education is declining very fast and scientific research, in particular, is in complete disarray. It is now time to locate and remove the obstacles in the way to progress before it is too late to have the situation in control.
Out of the many contributing factors, the prime reasons for declining standard in the education and research, are poor laboratories and impoverished libraries. The University does not have enough funds to procure books, subscribe the journals and maintain the standard of labs. for imparting quality education to the students; and to provide requisite facilities to the teachers and researchers for furtherance of the knowledge. In this situation, RUAA seeks the valued suggestions of its honourable alumni on the overall development of education and research in their Alma Mater, so that RU, the second oldest and largest educational institution in Bangladesh, emerges as a flourishing school of research and as one of the major contributors in the development of science and technology of the country. Then and then only RU can sail with confidence towards the high tide of international intellectual concourse, for which we all can feel very proud.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Nurul Hossain Choudhury
RUAA, University of Rajshahi