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Instructions for Authors
The International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS) publishes papers, review articles and research works in all fields of Statistics. Only original contributions, which are not published in any language-media and are not submitted for publication elsewhere, are accepted for peer review. The language of the journal is English.
Submission of papers
Three hard copies of manuscripts along with one soft copy in CD/DVD in MS Word should be submitted to the Executive Editor. The papers should be typed on good quality bond paper of A4 format with 1” margins (right, left, top, bottom), double-spaced, using Times Roman 12 point font. Electronic version of the manuscript may be submitted through e-mail: ijss_ru@yahoo.com
Organization of the paper
The arrangement of manuscripts should be as follows:
  • The cover page should contain the following information: (i) the title; (ii) the name(s) and academic or professional affiliation(s) of the author(s); (iii) the mailing addresses of the author(s); and (iv) fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Inside should contain the following information: (i) the title; (ii) abstract; (iii) keywords (about 5 words) followed by AMS/STMA subject classification; (iv) main text; (v) acknowledgments (if necessary); (vi) references; and (vii) appendix  (if necessary).
  • Article should be kept limited within 10 printed pages. Simultaneous use of tables and graphs (figures) should be avoided. Descriptions, explanations and interpretations should be as precise and concise as possible. Colored graphics are not generally acceptable.
References should contain the name(s) of the author(s) together with their initial(s), the year of publication in parentheses, the title of the paper and the title of the journal (both in italic), volume number and the page range. References to books should contain the name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication, title (in italic), (the names of editors), the publisher name and location. If several papers by the same author(s) and of the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication. The references should be listed in alphabetic order.
The manuscripts will be submitted to two referees for review. The authors will receive an unsigned copy of the referees’ reports, if necessary. Once accepted for publication, the corresponding author is encouraged to send the final version of the manuscript in MS Word through e-mail: ijss_ru@yahoo.com. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
Off-prints and Page Charges
To meet the increasing costs of printing and postage partially, page charge @ US $10.00 per printed page may be charged from international contributors which will cover the costs of one copy of the journal and air-mail postage. The corresponding charge for the SAARC countries and local contributors are US $5.00 and Taka 200.00, respectively.
Libraries or organizations: the subscription price for each regular issue is Taka 1000.00 (US $200.00), including postage.
Personal subscriptions: private subscribers are entitled to subscribe at a reduced rate of Taka 500.00 (US $100.00) including postage.
Subscriptions must be paid in advance by Swift Code: AGBKBDDH 027, In favor of International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS), A/C#0200002209562, Agrani Bank, Rajshahi University Branch, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that the copyright of the published article is transferred to the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform, or any other reproductions, and translation. Authors who wish to reproduce illustrations which have already been published elsewhere must obtain the written permission of the copyright holder.
Send your questions, if any, to Prof. Dr. M. Sayedur Rahman, Executive Editor, IJSS. E-mail: ijss_ru@yahoo.com