Conference: Speakers

Keynote Speakers
Physical Science
1Professor Malik Maaza:Material Research Department
 iThemba LABS
National Research Foundation of South Africa, SA
2Professor Martin Freer:Head of Nuclear Physics, School of Physics & Astronomy
University of Birmingham and Director
 Birmingham Energy Institute, UK
Mathematical Science
1Professor Mir Masoom Ali:Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ball State University, USA
2Professor Madhumangal Pal:Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanalogy and Computer Programming
 Vidyasagar University, India
Chemical & Biochemical Science
1Professor  Liz Milward:School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy
Newcastle University, Australia


Plenary Speakers
1Professor M. Zahid Hasan:Eugene Higgins Professor
(Physical)Department of Physics
Princeton University, USA
2Professor Bidyut Baran Saha:International Institute for Carbo-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-12CNER)
(Mathematical)Kyushu University, Japan