Conference: Import Dates & Registration

Important dates to remember
Registration:15 October 2019 – 25 January 2020 (Normal Fee)
26 January 2020 – 31 January 2020 (Late Fee)
Abstract Submission :15 October 2019 to 31 December 2019
Notification of Acceptance:31 December 2019
Full Paper Submission:Until 15 April 2020


Registration Categories and Fees
Categories Early BirdLate
Faculty /Researcher (native):2000Tk2500Tk
Faculty / Researcher (SAARC):100 USD150 USD
Faculty / Researcher (Other than SAARC):300 USD350 USD


Payment Information:
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer and Bkash to the following bank account:
Account Name:ICRAS-1, 2020
Account No:xxxxxxxx
Bank Name:Agrani Bank Bangladesh Limited
Branch Name:Rajshahi University
Branch Address:Kazla, Motihar, Rajshahi-6205


Bkash Account:
Kindly give a note as Registration fees for ICRAS-2020. Do not forget to provide proof of payment during registration
For further information please contact:
Name:Prof. Md. Rezaul Karim