Message from Chairman

The Department of Ceramics And Sculpture is one of the Famous Department of Rajshahi University. The Arts and Crafts College started the journey at Rajshahi T. T. College in 1978. After 4 years Rajshahi University Affiliates this College in 1982. In 1994, Arts and Crafts College was declared by Rajshahi University as the department of Fine Arts.  The teaching in Fine Arts subject began in 1994-1995 session under the Faculty of Arts. But after 21 years for the demand of time and the students of Fine Arts was divided into separated and individual Faculty in 2015. The students of Fine Arts strongly demanded the separations of Fine Arts faculty.

According to recommendation of arts faculty Fine Arts faculty was separated in the decision of number 3 of 238 the academic council in 24.08.2015.

After recommendation of academic council in the decision of number 3 of 46th syndicate, held in 29.08.2015. With Department of Painting, Oriental Art & Printmaking, Department of Ceramics & Sculpture and Department of Graphic Design, Craft & History of Arts Fine Arts Faculty was given the status of individual Faculty.

Sincere attention has been given designing departmental syllabus and curriculum to make it a program of international standard. The curriculum has been revised and appreciated by the experts in Fine Arts. We hope that this program would be able to play a pivotal role in the development of a new generation of Arts Scholar and leaders who are professionally competent and morally upright to face the challenges of this millennium.

Prof. A. K. M. Ariful Islam
Prof. Dr. Nurul Amin