Call For Papers
Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law (ISSN 2309-0898)
Call For Papers
Contributions are hereby invited from members of the faculties of Arts, Law and Fine Arts, University of Rajshahi, their co-researchers andalso teachers, researchers and scholars of those areas from outside Rajshahi University for the forthcoming issue of the Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law (ISSN 2309-0898). The next issue of the journal is expected to be published by December 2020. Last date for submission is 15 March, 2020. Papers can be submitted after that date too.
Manuscripts shoul be original in nature, have not been published or accepted, nor under consideration for publication in any other journal. All submissions are subject to peer review and edition (if required). Details on manuscript format and style can be found on the ‘Publications‘ Menu of The guidelines can also be found in the previous issues of the journal.
Contributions should be submitted in triplicate with a soft copy and a covering letter addressing the Editor-in-Chief, Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law, Publications Office, 312 Sahid Captain M. Mansur Ali Administration Building, University of Rajshahi.
Professor Dr. Md. Shahidullah
Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law
Rajshahi University Journal of Science and Engineering (ISSN 2309-0952)
Call For Papers
Contributions are hereby invited from teachers, researchers and scholars from the faculties of Science and Engineering (including related institutes) of Rajshahi University as well as those from outside Rajshahi University for the forthcoming issue(s) of the Rajshahi University Journal of Science and Engineering. The next issue of the journal is expected to be published by June 2020. Last date for submission of manuscript is March 15, 2020. Papers can be submitted after that date as well to be considered for subsequent issues.
Manuscripts should be original in nature, not been published or accepted, nor under consideration of publication in any other journal. All submissions are subject to plagiarism check, peer review and edition (if required). Details on manuscript format and style can be found on the ‘Publications‘ Menu of The guidelines can also be found in the previous issues of the journal.
Contributions may also be submitted through or in triplicate and a soft copy with a covering letter addressing the Editor-in-Cheif, Rajshahi University Journal of Science and Engineering, Publications Office, University of Rajshahi.
Professor Dr. Md. Zulfikar Ali
Rajshahi University Journal of Science and Engineering
Rajshahi University Journal of Social Science and Business Studies (ISSN 2309-0944)
Call for Papers
Contributions are hereby invited from faculty members, researchers and scholars from Social Science and Business Studies (including related institutes) of Rajshahi University as well as those from outside Rajshahi University for the forthcoming issue(s) of the Rajshahi University Journal of Social Science and Business Studies. The next issue of the journal is expected to be published by June, 2020. Last date for submission of manuscript is 27 February, 2020. Papers can be submitted after that date as well to be considered for subsequent issues.
Manuscripts should be original in nature, have not been published or accepted, nor under consideration for publication in any other journal. All submissions are subject to plagiarism check, peer review and edition (If required). Details on manuscript format and style can be found on the ‘Publications‘ Menu of The guidelines can also be found in the previous issues of the journal.
Contributions should be submitted in triplicate with a soft copy and a covering letter addressing the Editor-in-Chief, Rajshahi University Journal of Social Science and Business Studies, Publications Office, 312 Shahid Captain M. Mansur Ali Administration Building, University of Rajshahi.
Professor Dr. Md. Elias Hossain
Rajshahi University Journal of Social Science and Business Studies
Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN 2309-0960)
Call For Papers
Research papers are hereby invited from teachers, researchers and scholars of the Faculties of Life & Earth Science, and Agriculture (including related institutes), University of Rajshahi for consideration to publish in forthcoming issue(s) of the Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences. Teachers, researchers and scholars of those areas from outside the University as well can submit papers. Next issue of the journal is going to be published in July 2020.
Manuscripts should be original in nature, have not been published or accepted, nor under consideration for publication in any other journal. All submissions are subject to plagiarism check, peer review and edition (if required). Details on manuscript format and style can be seen in the guidelines attached herewith or in the ‘Publications‘ menu of The guidelines can also be found in the previous issues of the journal.
Last date for submission is March 15, 2020. Papers can also be submitted after that date for further issues.
Papers should be submitted in triplicate with a soft copy and a covering letter addressing the Editor-in-Chief, Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences, Publications Office, 312 Shahid Captain M. Mansur Ali Administration Building, University of Rajshahi.