Message from Dean
Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering of University of Rajshahi!
It’s a great time for students to pursue an engineering education at University of Rajshahi. Established in 2010, our Faculty has over 123 academic staffs (including 50 Professors) and over 60 technical, administrative and supporting staffs. With five departments of studies, our Faculty offers undergraduate courses leading to Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering. In addition, the Faculty offers post-graduate courses and research degrees in various engineering disciplines leading to Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Engineering, Master of Philosophy, and Doctor of Philosophy.
Although each department has its own distinct identity, there are some major interdisciplinary research activities in various fields. Researches are conducted in the member departments of the Faculty, and there are research collaborations throughout the world making it an exciting environment for both research and teaching-learning activities. We intend to extend our joint research activities with universities and industries of the world.
Our faculty provides quality education through teaching and research excellence, a vibrant educational environment and innovative programs. These provide our graduates with the skills needed by employers to succeed and become leaders of tomorrow. If you want to study at the university of Rajshahi, and especially want to take on the challenge of invention, join the Faculty of Engineering to optimize your motivation. We look forward to meeting you here at the Faculty of Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Bimal Kumar Pramanik, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering