Message from Principal
The Rajshahi University School is an exceptional institute in the city of Rajshahi. It was founded on an experimental basis in February 1966 under the auspices of Rajshahi University, occupying some rooms of Mannujan Hall. It was originally a free primary school imparting free education to pupils (from all walks of life) up to class two. Being established, the school began to run smoothly and it was a great success of the teachers who were basically unpaid.
Gradually it had been extended by one or two classes each year and was raised to the status of a high school. For a suitable accommodation, the university authority shifted the school from the Mannujan Hall to the Juberi Bhaban. There the teachers had to take classes under the roofed open front (Veranda) of the building, owing to the increasing number of students. It was one hundred on the roll. In the face of countless odds, the school ran in full swing. In 1968, the first school sports was arranged in the Juberi field. It attracted the spectators who enjoyed the games and events of the students and highly appreciated their performances. Afterwards, the psychology department of this university took the charge of the school for its research purposes. The school was named as ‘The Experimental School’ for the first time. So the school was moved to the tin-shed (the defunct psychology department), which is now accommodating the Sheikh Russel Model High School. The school was granted Tk. 43,000 as for its maintenance cost in 1974. In the year 1983, the higher secondary section was added to the school. It is a full-fledged secondary and higher secondary institute, maintaining classes from one to twelve. In view of the rising number of the school going population every year, the then educationist benefactors of the institute shifted the school from the tin-shed to a concrete building. Later on, in 1987 the allocated amount for the institute had been further increased and It was Tk. 22 lac.
Now the magnificent two-storied red school building peeps through the lush greenery and welcomes everyone. The grand rows of coconut trees on both sides of the road leading to the Kajla gate and a way side village oriented background, create a panoramic view with the glow of purple red and seeping yellow that is difficult to neglect. One cannot but be inquisitive to have a look of it.
Those benevolent university teachers and educationists, who took the initiative of establishing such a voluntary school in the university campus and the teachers who contributed greatly to the smooth running of it, are far-sighted no doubt. The school has produced many glorious students who have been doing different jobs in different positions in their capacities home and abroad. It has achieved a great success of being a fore most institute in the division of Rajshahi. It earns name and fame of being the best school and the best college respectively in the national level several times. Thus it blooms with its petal like glory and smells forth all over the country.
In the year 2000, the Institute of Educational Research (IER) of Rajshahi University undertook the school of the whole scheme. Since then it has been totally under the tutelage of the Rajshahi University. A new setup bas been brought in to being in the school administration. The school has been renamed as ‘The Rajshahi University School, Demonstration Unit-1’; whereas the Sheikh Russel Model High School is the Demonstration Unit-2. The school is really proud of being under the management of a strong committee, which counts among its members, some influential and high spirited university teachers. Thanks to the managing committee for an all-out efforts to take the school to a prestigious stage.
Now the school has 2200 students on the roll. The teaching staff comprises 43 members of efficient teachers. It usually starts at 8:20 AM, but in winter it changes the schedule to 9:20 AM. It usually ends at 2:15 PM. Before the starting of the classes, students gather in the open space for the assembly. In the first place, a student recites from the Holy Quran, then all the students salute the National Flag, take an oath with a short-time parade. Then they sing the National Song. When the national anthem is over, the students go back to their respective classes in lines, amidst the rhythmic sound of the beating drums following the zig-zag course of a flowing river. It is amusing enough.
A perceptible urge of activity for a better school is manifest among the teachers as well as the students. Rigid form of weekly examination in consonance with work experience method have been introduced to reinforce classroom teaching. Ample opportunity for curriculum and co-curriculum activities have been provided to channelize juvenile energy. The school has been modernized to a great extent. Students have been enjoying latest fashioned amenities in the institute. They can easily keep pace with the running science and technology at their best. The school maintains well-drilled BNCC, scout and cub troops and girl guides. Under the able guidance of a physical teacher, who is also a trained hand, our troops attend all the annual rallies held in the school compound as well as in the university campus with much pomp and grandeur. Cultural week has been observed in the school every year. Successful students are awarded prizes in a rousing cultural function arranged by the school in the university auditorium, which work as stimulus and also maintain the academic tone of the institute. In winter, the students of all classes (one to twelve) observe a picnic day in a befitting way.
The school arranges Annual Sports in collaboration with the Physical Education Department of Rajshahi University each year. Teachers, university officials and the guardians of the students are invited to this grand event. Injured students have a great opportunity of having free first aid, treatment and medication in the University Clinic. The institute gets this facility having been integrated with the university.
In the athletic sports, the school has occupied a great place all over the country. The school cricket team has the honor of becoming champion in 2012 and runners-up in 2013 in the Young Tigers National School Cricket Game. In the game of badminton, it has the glory of becoming champion in the district level and runners-up two times in the national level. The school is regular in publishing magazines every two years. Young writers are very keen about writing articles and poems to the magazine and acceptance of these writings bring fresh incentives to them. The school library has been enriched with good volumes and it is based on the principle, ‘Education for All’. Each student is welcomed to the library. In the monogram, an open book encircled with a divine light always motivates the students to take education to be enlightened and to enlighten others.
The school cuts a good result separately in the PSC, the JSC, the SSC and the HSC exam each year and occupies a glorious position in the net result of the education board.
The school accounts are duly passed in the meetings of the managing committee of the school and it is annually audited by Registered Auditors appointed by the university authority.
The religious performances of the students in the school are quite satisfactory. Both the Hindu and the Muslim students do their religious duties along with their respective teachers peacefully and unhindered. All these appear to have contributed largely towards the general toning up of the institution.
The present principal, along with the two vice principals and the teaching staff, tries his best to make all-round improvement and many other innovations of the school. In this regards the parents/guardians of the students keep close watch on them and keep the teachers continuously informed of their behavior and progress at home. Here the home and the school work in consonance. This is very vital, because the students in our school are all day scholars. They stay in the school for only four or five hours a day. The rest of the day they remain with their parent/guardians. So the importance of the cooperation of the parents/guardians is emphasized.
Presently, the school is going to observe its 50th anniversary in association with all of its well-wishers ceremonially and solemnly. Here’s an urge to the past students, don’t you get charmed at the sweet memories of your childhood days in the school compound? If you do so, grow your friendship with the school again. Feel for the school from the core of your hearts. Extend your helping hands towards the school and uphold its prestige, because you greatly owe your origin to the school. The school also cordially invites you. Wherever you are and whatever post and position you maintain, always keep in mind the unending lines of John Keats (one of the greatest romantic poets):
“Make the new friend
Keep the old
These are silver
Those are gold”