Message from Chairman
The Department of Persian Language and Literature is a new Department in the University of Rajshahi. Although the department started its journey as an independent department on 26th November, 2016 Persian was already one of the most important subjects of the Department of Languages established in 1962. Persian had been introduced first in the Department of Languages as a subsidiary course. Professor Dr. Kalim Sahsarami was the first eminent scholar of Persian language and literature. Later the courses of B.A. Hons., M.A, M.Phil and PhD degrees in Persian were introduced science the academic session 1997-1998 under the Department of Languages.
Recently, the new department has been shifted to 4th Arts Building, Syed Ismail Hosen Sirazi Bhobon. Professor Dr. Md. Ataullah is the founder Chairman of the department. It offers a four year B.A. (Honors) course in Persian Language and Literature. The M.A. course is one year long and is offered to those who have obtained a degree of four years duration. M. Phil and Ph.D. programs are normally of two and three year duration respectively. The Department offers a one year junior certificate course and a one year senior certificate course in Modern Persian Language. At present the Department has 11 teachers and more than 2 hundred students. The Department has a seminar library with a large collection of Persian and other books published from home and abroad. In recent times, a well-equipped research room named `Otaqe Iran Shenasi’ means ‘Iranian Studies Room’ has been set up with collaboration of the Iranian Cultural Centre, Dhaka. The Department of Persian Language and Literature is the only department of the University of Rajshahi that has a visiting professor from abroad. Dr. Reza Samizadeh, the first visiting professor of the department, is from Imam Khomeini International University of Islamic Republic of Iran.
The department has been progressed with the dedication and pioneering services of eminent academics such as Professor Dr. Md. Shamim Khan, Professor Dr. Md. Nurul Huda, Professor Dr. Md. Kamal Uddin, Professor Dr. Md. Ataullah, Professor Dr. Md. Osman Goni and Professor Dr. Md. Shafiullah, Dr. Tahmina Begum, Dr. Syaid Abu Abdullah, Dr. Rizwana Islam Sammy and Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam. With their exceptional academic acumen, the Department of Persian Language and Literature has been rendering a wonderful service to the pursuit of knowledge. All teachers of the department have been taking part in international conferences, seminars and symposiums in the country and abroad. Extracurricular activities such as games and sports, literary and cultural functions, etc. are given due importance here for the skill development of the students. The students belonging to different years visit different historical places around the country every year. A significant number of graduates of this Department have completed their M. Phil and PhD research works. The graduates of this Department, enriched with their degrees, are playing an important role in the overall academic activities of their discipline in the country.
Apart from that, the graduates of this Department have been serving different public and private bodies with utmost sincerity and thereby providing an invaluable contribution to the overall economic development of the country. The relation between the teachers and the students of the Department is very cordial. The students here in the Department are well disciplined. The teachers are also helpful to them in many ways. Academic calendar of the Department is strictly followed to keep the students updated with all academic programs of the Department. In fact, both the teachers and the students are sincere in maintaining the academic activities of the Department smooth. Meritorious students are sent abroad, particularly to Iran for further education and training.