Institute of Business Administration

Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Program Final-2025 (13th)  13.02.2025
Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Program Final-2025 (11th Batch)  13.02.2025
Supple EMBA Program Final-2025 (Batch-14th)  13.02.2025
Supple EMBA Program Final-2025 (13th) 13.02.2025
Supple EMBA Program Final-2025 (11th Batch) 13.02.2025
Executive MBA Program Final-2024 (Batch-15)  22.01.2025 
Supple EMBA Program Final-2024 (Batch-10)  20.01.2024
Supple EMBA Program Final 2024 (Batch-18th)  20.01.2024
Supple B.B.A. Program Final -2024 (Batch-3rd)  20.01.2024
Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Final-2024 (Batch-14th) 20.01.2024
M.BA (Day) Program Final-2023 (2nd Batch)  23.09.2024
Evening MBA Program Final -2023 (Batch-20) 15.09.2024
Evening MBA Program Final-2024 (Batch-19) 27.03.2024
Executive MBA Program Final-2023 (Batch-14th) 10.12.2023
Supple MBA Program Final-2023 (Batch-17) 12.11.2023
Supple MBA Program Final-2023 (Batch-12th) 12.11.2023
Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Program Final-2023 (Batch-7th) 12.11.2023
M.B.A.for B.B.A. Graduates Final-2023 (Batch-14) 02.11.2023
M.B.A. for B.B.A. Graduates Final-2023 (Batch-13) 02.11.2023
M.B.A.(One Year Day) Program Final -2022 (Batch-1st) 02.11.2023
Supple Executive M.B.A. Program Final-2023 (Batch-12th) 01.11.2023
Executive MBA Program Final-2022 (Batch-13) 20.09.2023
MBA for BBA Graduates Program Final -2022 (Batch-13) 11.05.2023
Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Program 12th Final-2023 07.03.2023
Supple MBA for BBA Graduates Program 11th Final-2023 07.03.2023
Supple Executive MBA Prgram 11th Batch Final-2023 07.03.2023
Evening MBA Program Final-2022 (Batch-18th) 13.12.2022
Executive MBA 11th Batch Final-2022 22.06.2022
Evening MBA Program Final-2022 (17th Batch) 19.04.2022
Evening MBA Program Final-2020 (Batch-17) Institute of Business Administration 27.12.2021
Suppli MBA for BBA Gardutes Program (10th Batch) Final-2020 08.04.2021
Supple BBA Program Final -2025 (3rd)  16.02.2025 Suppli MBA (Day) Program (8th Batch)-2020 08.04.2021
Supple BBA (Hons) Final-2022 (Batch-4) 23.12.2024 Suppli Executive MBA Program (6th 7th 9th 10th Batch)-2020 08.04.2021
Supple B.B.A. Program Final -2022 (Batch-3rd) Administration 02.10.2024 Evening MBA Progeam (10th. 11th, 16th Batch) Final-2020 08.04.2021
BBA (Hons) Program Final-2022 (4th Year ) 23.09.2024 MBA for BBA Graduates Program 11th Batch 2018-2019 Final-2020 15.02.2021
Supple MBA. for Program 14th Batch Final-2024 21.01.2024 BBA Final Result-2019 (held in-2020) 28.01.2021
Supple BBA. (Hons) Progarm 3rd Batch Final-2024 21.01.2024 Executive MBA 10th Batch 2017-2018 Final-2019 03.11.2019
Supple BBA (Hons) Program Final-2023 (3rd Batch) 12.11.2023 MBA (Day) Program 9th Batch 2014-2015 Supply-2018 15.03.2018
B.B.A. (Hons) Final (3rd Batch) 2021 20.08.2023  Executive MBA 8th Batch Final-2015-2016 24.01.2018
BBA Final Result -2019 held in 202 Batch-1)  29.08.2021  Supply MBA (Day) Pro 9th Batch 2014 -2015 24.01.2018
 Supple B.B.A Final -2020 1st Batch 30.06.2021  Supply MBA (Day) Pro 8th Batch 2013-2014  24.01.2018