Welcome to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Prof. Dr. Md. Rokanujjaman
University of Rajshahi
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), University of Rajshahi (RU), is one of the leading Graduate and Post-graduate department in Bangladesh. The curriculum offered by our department has been designed in accordance with different renowned universities around the world. Recently with financial aid from the World Bank and UGC worth 33 Million BDT, our department has been renovated to meet the highest standard of education and consequently, we now offer a world-class learning experience.
All of our classrooms and laboratories are equipped with modern audio-visual teaching-learning facilities and necessary experimental kits for undergraduate and graduate students.
At the same time, we have extended the facilities to enhance our research activities in different branches of computer science and its engineering applications. Moreover, we frequently arrange workshop, seminar, academic contest of students and extra-curriculum activities to explore the merits of our students in a different dimension. At the same time, we get our students involved in organizing these events to improve their leadership quality. We want our students to be capable of not in one dimension, but capable of multi-dimensions when they graduate. As a result, now our department is the right place for the students with dreams of becoming outstanding IT professionals and researchers. We are looking forward to welcome brilliant students.
Thank you.