Message from Chairman
Professor Dr. Mohammad Al Baqui Barkotulla
Department of Crop Science and Technology
To produce competent graduates in the field of agriculture to serve the country and the whole world producing more food and thereby ensuring food security.
Accomplising quality education, research and extension services to generate worldclass agricultural graduates for sustainable and commercial agriculture, and poverty alleviation of the country.
The specific objectives of the B. Sc. Ag. (Hons.) degree program are:
- to introduce the concept of soil, its uses, fertility, erosion, conservation and management.
- to provide knowledge on proper methods and technologies for agricultural production and varietal development.
- to develop a concept of understanding on different pest & disease management systems & technologies of successful crop protection.
- to provide adequate concept on pesticide and fertilizer usages, instrumental methods of analyses and technologies of harvesting and post-harvest management of crops and industrial agriculture.
- to develop understanding the characteristics of quality seed and their production techniques.
- to help to understand the characteristics and interactions of bimolecules and physiology of plant growth and development.
- to impart knowledge on food quality and health status for nutritional security.
- to create awarness about the impact of climate change on agriculture as well as the importance of forestation in maintaining ecological balance.
- to help acquire knowledge and skills to derive, analyze and interpret ecological, biological, social, technical and economic information from different sources.
- to provide knowledge on methods and strategies in the dissemination of newly developed technologies among farmers.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of the B. Sc. Ag. (Hons.) degree program, the graduates will be able to:
- describe the uses of modern technologies and agricultural machinery for crop production and their diversification.
- summarize the importance and the role of agriculture and agricultural scientists in providing food and fiber as well as generating income of the population.
- compare the agriculture of Bangladesh with those of other agro-based countries.
- distinguish between weather and climate and discussion on the influence of the factors affecting these phenomena in crop production.
- analyze the risks and uncertainties and ways of mitigating those for better crop production.
- evaluate the status of agriculture in the various agro-climate zones of Bangladesh.
- explain symptoms and remedies of crop infecting/infestation for successful crop production.
- discuss the impact of climate change on agriculture as well as the importance of forestation in maintaining the ecological balance.
- select and use of appropriate production technologies of different crops under changing climate.
- create agricultural enterprises of different scales in the areas of agricultural production, processing and trading.
- demostrate understanding the importance of globalization and agricultural organizations.
- Analyze and interpret the effects of current events and issues occurring in agriculture and determine their mitigation.
- demostrate the procedure of different methods and techniques of various crop production.
- perform the collection, sorting, processing and preservation of various agricultural products.
- design the layout of agricultural farm for crop production and social forestation.
- prepare communication materials to convey messages.
- follow the process of nursery plantation.
- justify the role of agriculture and agricultural scientists in our society and culture.
- create awareness about the role of innovative technologies in the modernization of agriculture.
- appreciate the utilization of agricultural machineries in the eco-friendly agricultural production systems.
- invite others to be inspired in agricultural production as well as in crop diversification.
- passion for hand-on activates of agriculture.
- motivate people to work in rural community.
- create awareness about the impact of climate change on crop production and the importance of forestation in agriculture.
Generic Skills
After completion of the B. Sc. Ag. (Hons.) degree program, the graduates will be able to achieve:
- intellectual skills in crop production, protection & improvement.
- practical skills in solving problems required under the changing climate and environmental conditions.
- numeracy & analytical skills.
- entrepreneurship and innovation skills.
- communication skills.
- interpersonal, teamwork & leadership skills.
- self management & personal development skills like sincerity, punctuality and honesty.
- commitment to the community, country & humanity.
- norms and ethical values.
Professor Dr. Mohammad Al Baqui Barkotulla
Department of Crop Science and Technology
University of Rajshahi