B. Sc. (Honours)
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has been offering four-year integrated B. Sc (Hons.) course to prospective students to be graduated in this field. A total of 4000 marks (40 units, 160 credits) have been allocated to different courses all through the first year to the fourth year. There shall be theoretical, practical, viva voce, class assessment/ tutorial/ terminal/ home assignment, project/ in-plant training and related courses. Besides the major courses, related courses have also been introduced to enrich the knowledge in the Biochemistry and Molecular biology. In addition a non-credit English language course for scientific/technical terminologies and their applications shall be offered in the first year of the programme.
A Honours student, for obtaining the B.Sc (Honors) degree, shall have to pass all the examinations within 06 (six) academic years from the date of his/ her first admission and shall not be allowed to stay more than 02 (two) academic years in each of his/her first, second, third year honours classes. The non-credit English course shall have to be passed in 04 (four) academic years from date of his/her admission.
To be eligible for admission to B. Sc. Honours program, a student must have to obtain at least 3.00 GPA excluding 4th subject in both the S.S.C. and H.S.C. examinations individually and 7.00 GPA in total in the two examinations excluding the 4th subjects but this will be fixed up according to the decision of the admission committee of University.
Curriculum for B. Sc. (Hons)[2020-2021]
One-year M. Sc. course has been designed for the students, who have already been graduated in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The students have either option to enroll as thesis or non-thesis student based on their academic grade in B. Sc (Honors). A total of 800 marks (8 units, 32 credits) have been allocated among the theory, tutorial, viva-voce, practical/thesis courses.
M.Phil & PhD
With a view to keeping contributing to biological sciences through exploring different aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology and other areas of biological sciences, a 02 (Two)-year M.Phil course and 03 (Three)-year PhD course have been introduced in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The students, who have already completed their post graduation successfully in Biological sciences, have a chance to enroll in these courses. A student must have a minimum of 55% marks or CGPA 3.25 and 50% marks or CGPA 3.0 in either of B.Sc. (Honours)/equivalent and M.Sc./equivalent degree