
It is indeed a good news to everybody of the Rajshahi University Applied Chemistry family that at last we have been able to form Rajshahi University Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Alumni Association (RUACCEAA). We have been heartened that RUACCEAA platform will provide an opportunity for all graduates of this Department to sit together and share feeling and experience for making this Department the centre of excellence for higher study in Applied Chemical Science and for the benefit for all graduates.

May I take the opportunity to invite all graduates of this Department to become life member of RUACCEAA. Completion of the membership form and payment (Tk. 2,000/- for life member, Tk. 200/- for one year membership) to the Account Name: RUACCEAA, Savings Account No.: 0200005935078, Agrani Bank, Rajshahi University Branch, are simple enough for becoming RUACCEAA member. In the case of any difficulty please contact me (mobile phone: 01711951354 and email:


Professor Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim Sheikh

General Secretary ACCE Alumni Association & Professor Dept. of ACCE, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205